Sorry, Evergreen, I’m Not Going to Deliver Your Mail


11 responses to “Sorry, Evergreen, I’m Not Going to Deliver Your Mail”

  1. Thank you for your efforts. I would have done the same thing.

  2. Dan Manson Avatar
    Dan Manson

    Omg. You nailed this to a t. I was one of the carriers who walked out in November as an RCA. Of course, the contract with the union states that every route must be filled within 60 days of vacating. I was the senior RCA when the route was vacated in August. In November, they told me that The route was not going to be awarded to me until January. That was the straw that broke my back. Well written sir

  3. This is a beautifully written story of “why.” Thank you, neighbor, for the insight. Our carrier, who is a lovely person, was delivering mail on Thanksgiving day.
    We’re putting in a barn box this week because of your advice. I have most everything (especially things with account numbers) sent to a PO box so I don’t care if someone steals the weekly coupons : )
    As citizens, we can do our part because we walk this earth together. And I hope USPS can figure out a better way to work with Amazon, because that’s just not slowing down.

  4. Marion Dries Avatar
    Marion Dries

    Bless you for trying, Corrine, and for writing this letter. Much sympathy goes out to you and all postal workers. Wish all mail boxes and addresses were as easy to work with as ours. We have a flat street with only a few boxes put up on an easily accessible stand. Perhaps other neighborhoods should restructure their mail accessability.

  5. Allison Avatar

    Can we help the carriers by taking the mail and packages for our street and handle putting them in the correct boxes and delivering the bigger packages to the door? I’m certain this wouldn’t be kosher with the original provisions of the postal employee handbook, but I have no doubt I wouldn’t be the only neighbor on my street willing to pitch in. Any carrier is welcome to call me to come meet them at the corner. Just give me a heads up and I’ll be waiting. 3/6689900

  6. Marilyn Avatar

    It definitely sounds like worst job ever –
    just a note about the state of mailboxes – a couple of years ago kids would joy-ride through the neighborhoods and bash up mailboxes – mine looks horrible and I keep meaning to get another one – then I forget. Now with your story in mind, and not wanting to look like a schlub, I will purchase a new one.

  7. You gave it an amazing try! And your detailed accounts were very informative and put a human face on the post office. Thank you for all you went through so we could get our mail. With so many folks unemployed now, maybe enough will apply at the post office so they will be well staffed and make the job reasonable. BTW, you’re a good writer. Maybe that will be your next profession.

  8. Barbara Avatar

    This would be a great article for the Canyon Courier (Or any newspaper) to publish. Then more people will be apprised of how difficult your job is. They may even buy the big mailboxes to help the carriers do their jobs better and faster.

  9. Thank you so much for sharing this. I live in Idaho Springs and we only have PO boxes – no mail is delivered to houses. Now I understand why! I had no idea Evergreen had such a crisis with mail delivery and hopefully because of your article, they’ll start to take it more seriously.
    You did the right thing and I only wish you well in finding a new job!

  10. After reading this article I have so much more empathy AND understanding of what you – and “mailpeople” in general, go thru.
    I always used to wonder why we got our mail at 9:30/10:00 at night…and I had the gaul to bitch about it! I’m SOOOO sorry!
    As someone who grew up in NYC, enamored of those gorgeous leather mailbags and adorable 3-wheeled carts the “mailmen” (Yes! They WERE all men in the ’60’s) pushed – not to mention those iconic, metal, olive green mail boxes where they’d store their stash of letters – I always thought being a mail carrier was romantic. Getting to know everyone in the neighborhood; getting invited in for hot chocolate in the winter, ice pops in the summer; and always scads of Christmas gifts. Plus, I always thought it was the perfect way to get your exercise while you worked…walking a 12-15 block square while pushing that tripod cart!
    Sigh. How times have changed.

    When I expressed my deluded ideas of “how fun” working as a postal carrier would be, friends who work in the Morrison & Idledale post offices were quicker than quick to tell me that, whatever I do, and no matter how much money they throw at me, under no circumstances do I want to work in the Evergreen P.O.

    Thanks, guys.¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    1. clmcdermid Avatar

      It sounds like mail delivery was a completely different job before the Amazon contract. It does sound rather romantic, doesn’t it? Shame it doesn’t look that way any longer.

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