Dog is back in commission!

She had picked up stiff little limp, so I benched her for two weeks. I missed her terribly on my walks and runs. It really got me thinking about why a walk or run with a dog is so much better than one without.

1. Happy Dog Butt. She doesn’t just walk on our walks and runs. She sashays and saunters and prances, tail switching like a metronome.

2. Getting compliments on the dog. It makes me irrationally happy when other people like my dog.

3. The occasional urge to take a selfie feels less self-involved if the dog is in it too.

4. Evergreen’s dangerous carnivorous elk may hesitate to attack two of us.

5. Every walk is a new voyage of discovery. Going around the block is like the resurrection of Marco Polo. Every. Single. Time.

6. Expressive ears.

7. Without a dog, squirrels ignore me. With a dog, they come down to yell at us, and I can sneak in a picture.

8. Everyone needs a photobomber in their life.

9. I talk to myself. Out loud. This is marginally less weird if you are addressing another mammal.

10. Sheer, unbridled, joyous enthusiasm!

Bonus. In winter, dogs sometimes get a snose.

Signing off. Take Care, everyone, and Take Care of one another.


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